The importance of a personal letter to the customer

Article by Michalis Abatzidis in NAFTEMPORIKI (date 07/01/08)
It is a fact that today's market demands and rates are forcing the vast majority of businesses to choose from a variety of promotional and advertising tools to create demand for their products and services.
On the one hand, this is an effective way of communicating, but on the other hand it is also costly. Huge amounts of money are spent on advertising campaigns in order for each promoter to earn even a small "piece" of the consumer's mind and ultimately a larger market share.
But in trying to conquer the 'lion's share' of the market, they forget something important.
The existing, as well as their potential, customers, who have at some point even taken a stakeholder approach to a product or service.
It is good and pro-survival to be in the market through advertising, but do you exist for your customer himself?
Projection through the various media (television, radio, etc.) on one hand is addressed to a wide audience, on the other hand, it is impersonal. And by saying impersonal we mean that exclusively personal communication is missing. What makes a communication personal is the written letter. And if it is handwritten, then it has an even greater impact on its recipient.
The one who does the above is really a 'species to disappear'.
Someone who receives this kind of communication feels unique and stands out from the mass. A personal letter is always appreciated because the recipient feels that they care about him, that he is desirable, and they are interested in him. Otherwise, in the midst of everyday life, no one would give a dime if they did not receive a personal letter.
As the communication to customers increases, it is inevitable that the sender's favor will increase. This will also increase their willingness to 'hit back' as well as introduce you to others by taking on the role of 'opinion leader'. But one thing to keep in mind is the quality of the product or service delivered. Because if it is not as expected from the customer's side, he will not be touched by a personal letter, and will not work as mentioned above.
In addition, there is the following factor regarding the quality of the product or service delivered. If it is lower than expected, the customer is sure to talk to many about his dissatisfaction, and in this case the unambiguous rule is, "to repair the damage to a business's reputation by an unhappy customer approximately ten satisfied are needed" . If the quality is just the one expected, it is most likely that the customer will not feel the need to talk to others. But if it does go beyond what is expected, then it is almost certain that he will talk enthusiastically to others about the product or service he received.
In conclusion, the business that puts together the perfect quality of the product or service it delivers and, at the same time, regular communication by sending personal letters will be far more advantageous than another which does not do so.
Statistics show that the income of a business is proportional to the amount of outflow of letters to the public.
More Communication = More Income