The advantages of written communication

Do we say or write it?
Saying something two or three times (maybe ten?) until it is done, saying it to the person in charge and at the same time to two or three unauthorized people hoping that it is more likely to be done, and not knowing who to turn to for something , are daily situations in the ordinary company. Situations that cut back on its income after spending a lot more time and staff to do something, when there would be much less time if the organization was right. And if we take into account the law of management that says that the speed of information and messages flow (always to the right person and in the right way) determines the power and dynamics of our company, we should probably look a little seriously at the organization theme. First of all we need to start by implementing a written communications system.
Why written communication?
1. You want to say something to an employee. You go to his office but he is busy with a client. Out of politeness, you do not interrupt him; you leave and you keep the message burdening your mind, with the hope of finding him some time later. Later, you actually see him passing by but at the moment you can't talk because you have an emergency call. Now you end up with a communication that has not been forwarded and you carry it in your mind. The sense that we don't have time is mainly due to the chores we had to do and didn't do, the things we had to say and didn't say, and the answers we had to give and didn't give. When we carry open jobs in our minds then we have the feeling that we are drowning and have no free time. But with the system of written communications everything changes.
2. When you say something orally, it is very likely to be forgotten. Writings remain.
3. Oral communication is misinterpreted by its recipient, usually because it was improperly understood or misunderstood. At other times, the recipient may claim to have heard something else, just to cover up his own non-compliance or "blunder". But the written communication is there. You know what you wrote - you know what you read. And anyone who needs it can learn it.
4. One would assume that for the sake of the above advantages we sacrifice a little bit the speed and swiftness of oral communication. Even if that were true, it would be worth it. But, paradoxically, written communication is also faster. Here's why: when we want to say something to a colleague we are usually not limited to what needs to be said. We do not usually say what we need as quickly as possible. And if we say it soon, we often receive unnecessary questions that we have to answer. One time a joke gets in the middle, the other we get into unnecessary explanations and nonsensical questions and answers? and so on. This is not necessarily bad if it happens to us knowingly, but it is bad if we are unknowingly drifting away without it.
Well, written and clear communications as well as a precise description of the posts, so that we know where to address, is the key to good functioning. Try it!