Start creating

Do not expect the government to handle the problems you are facing. It may have good motivation and be willing to help, but if you rely on it to solve your problems, you will go bankrupt much faster than you think.
The above point of view has no political coloring. From a purely business perspective, it is wrong to hope that someone else is going to get you out of trouble. Rescues and interventions usually lead to more taxes, more laws and more bureaucracy.
The worst part of the rescue mechanism, however, is that it overrides people's natural ability to take care of themselves. It reduces their ability to find their own solutions. It creates a 'need for help' mindset, and many citizens lose their creativity and physical ability to solve problems without realizing it. Thousands of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy because the people who created them have ceased to believe in themselves and have succumbed to the financial crisis.
It is interesting to note that, very often, the media pushes the idea that there is no other solution than government intervention in the financial system. However, a recent poll of 317,000 people in the United States showed that 86% of respondents do not believe that government debt repayments will be the antidote to the crisis in the economy.
The reason the government exists is to protect your rights, not to decide the future of your business. Its future depends entirely on YOU and your innate ability to create and find solutions. NEVER forget this.
If you get something from someone else, accept it as an unexpected gift, like an icing on the cake that you were too busy baking yourself!