New client list. how do I get it and how do I keep it active?
We count more than 1 billion active accounts on mobile devices alone. This sounds impressive, because all those out there are all those potential customers you are looking for.
But how is the process by which your customer base is going to be expanded, giving you new customers easily?
Let's start by taking some basic steps. The above 1 billion of active potential customers are on social media daily.
They are daily visitors to Facebook, Instagram etc.
The above are the most popular ones, and here we see that a very clever and innovative way is the process by which you can take advantage of the above social media to advertise, sell your product or service.
· Make use of the limitless (posts, stories...)
· Invest in sponsored social media actions.
· Be creative and innovative in advertising, always depending on your target group.
· Offer 'free' services to selected users who have a high degree of public influence. They will take care of getting you to know everyone who follows them.
Social media is the most powerful way of "evolving" your company, acquiring customers and advertising, but it is not the only one.
It may seem outdated, but it is not. "Email" develops your relationship with the customer. Personal time, whether that is the result Email, Insta direct, Messenger etc., builds greatly the customer?s confidence in your face.
Finally, a modern tool to get you started might be creating and configuring your professional Instagram & Facebook pages.