How regularly do you track your Website statistics?

A website's statistics are a very useful tool to see its profitability online. Some statistics contain very analytical details and it is not easy to be read by someone with no relevant experience.
However, there are statistics that give simple information to the owner or the marketing officer of a business, and help him to draw useful conclusions.
Four of the main statistics, which one can easily track on a regular basis, are the following:
1. Visitors - new and returning:
It is the number of people who visit for the first time your site or return to it.
2. Prospective Clients:
This is the number of people who visit your site and do something to give you their contact information. This something can be a subscription to your newsletter, a manifestation of interest in your product or anything that leads them to leave their email or other contact information. This number is very important, since your customers come from there.
3. Conversion Rate:
This is the percentage of visitors to your site who become prospective customers (who leave contact information).
E.g. If you have 200 visitors to your site in a day and 3 of them leave their e-mail, your conversion rate is 1.5%. The conversion rate is important because it tells you how effective your website is in turning ordinary visitors into prospective customers.
4. Visitors Origin:
This statistic shows you how visitors find your website. That is, if your visitors come from the various search engines, paid ads, free directory listings, etc. From here you can draw useful conclusions about how effective is your website online promotion.
If, for example, your site receives more visitors from a free listing on a directory than from a paid ad, then you probably need to rethink the content the ad has.
Regular checking the statistics of your website is essential to better promote your business online.