Does everyone in your business know what their product should be?

One of the biggest misconceptions in the business world is about the real meaning of the word 'product'.
The product is not just the actions one makes, it is the one that PRODUCES. It is the end result of his actions. This applies both to products that are objects and services.
For example, the product of a Business Consultant is not the analysis of a balance sheet or the instructions he gives to an entrepreneur. These are the actions he does. His product is the result of his actions, that is, "A business that has upward statistics in all sectors".
If everyone in your business has a clear understanding of what the business should produce and what they should produce individually, then all actions will be aligned in the right direction. If they do not have a clear understanding, then everyone will continue to do what he or she thinks is right.
The product of one staff member may concern another staff member and not necessarily an external customer.
For example, a secretary's product is "A manager with more free time and all his communications properly arranged". No problem. In this case, what we have said above also applies.
Sit down with each member of your staff separately and clear up with them:
(a) what is the final product of the business; and
b) what should be their own product.
You may be surprised at some of the views you will hear. Do not stop if you are not sure that the above has been completely cleared. Product clearance is a tool you can use immediately to align your day-to-day business activities and increase your prosperity.